Hoppediz Designs
As a small business it is impossible for me to store all the designs Hoppediz offers.
However, from time to time I will have Pre-Order Sales where you can choose one of the designs I don’t have in stock.
(It is possible to order for you anytime but the shipping costs may increase in that case.)
Please check the availability of Hoppediz carriers in the “Shipping in 3-4 days” section. Maybe your design is already in stock?
When you are choosing the Pre-Order, I will give a discount of 2000 Yen per order. You will find the discount code directly on the product page!

Order here
If you would like to have a woven baby wrap or a ring sling, please get in touch via the form!
Name -> Mail -> Model (ring sling or wrap) -> Design (you can see it when hovering over the picture) -> Message