Open Office Days
In order to offer my services to a reduced price for those in need, or for those who doesn’t want anyone in their home, I am doing “Open Office Days” twice a month in a rental office.
Please book your spot in advance so I can prepare everything accordingly and bring the carriers needed.
It is possible to book full consultations, but also short carrier checks, pick up rental carriers, or have a look at shop items in real and try samples of them.
On June 15 will be my Babywearing Walk&Meet.
I would love it if you join me that day on a stroll through the Hikarigaoka Park.
This park is a beautiful park which has an atmosphere like Yoyogi Park but better 😉
It’s at the end of the Oedo Line.
The Babywearing Walk&Meet is meant for meeting other parents and is a possibility to ask everything around carrying babies, childrearing, or just chatting with other people.
You can book a one-coin Carrier Check (500 Yen).
Please book a few days in advance!
On May 14 and 21 will be my regular Open Office Day for private meetings!
You can book a consultation, a carrier check, sling library pick-up, or shopping in the carrier store!
It is likely to happen that I have a last-minute appointment coming in from my main work. In this case I have to cancel or move our appointment!
Subscribe to my newsletter to never miss a date!
Find my Babywearing Basics Group Workshop (May 15) here:
On October 13, I will do a Babywearing Meet at IKE SUN Park in Ikebukuro. (I will cancel if the weather is bad.) In case you would like to come, you can also book a One-Coin carrier check (500 Yen, looking if everything is ok). Please let me know in advance if you want to try a specific carrier (I will only bring them on request).
Consultations are not possible.
Pricing Open Office
1.5 hour consultation: 5000 Yen
Additional 30min: 1500 Yen
Find the right carrier option for you!
Carrier Check: 500 Yen
I help you adjusting your carrier.
If you are interested in an item in my shop and would like to see it in advance, please tell me so I can bring it + a sample for testing.
If you want to rent a carrier from my library you have the option to pick it up at the office and getting a short in-person introduction.
Pregnancy Group Course
When you are pregnant and want to know more about the babywearing basics and see all the carrier options live, you can team up with one pregnant friend and book a group course. It will be 2 hours for 6000 Yen in total.
This basic course is not offering trying the carriers by yourself and finding a fitting one for you! If you want to try carriers, please also book the carrier try on right after your consultation!
All services have to be paid in cash.
Exception: Everything above 5000 Yen can be paid via PayPal in the office.
The office is located between Mejiro Station on the Yamanote Line and Shiinamachi Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line.
From either station it is a 10min walk.
Please note that there is no car parking!
Choose the service you want
What do you get during my services?

Rental Carrier
If you feel like your existent carrier is still too big for your baby, you can rent a carrier until yours fit.
If you are traveling and need a carrier for that occasion only.
If you need a carrier or wrap in a special design for a special occasion.

Finding Mr./Ms. Right!
To check many different carriers before buying to find the best fitting and avoiding bad buys.
To learn everything about safe babywearing and tricks for your carrier.
To reduce anxiety when using the carrier or wrap.
To get help with all other problems that might occur.

Carrier Check and Shopping
I will check if all settings at your carrier are at their best and your baby is sitting comfortably in the carrier.
Shop items can be seen in real and tried with samples.

You think you are better learning by yourself?
Check my online courses! Lifelong access and support!