This autumn, so much is happening in the baby carrier world!! So many baby carrier news!
In Germany, during the Attachment Parenting congress, two carrier brands introduced new models and one completely new brand appeared!
But even in Japan there are news!

Stokke will start to sell the Limas carriers from the beginning of November.
Yes, exactly those carriers I previously sold via my shop!
All three models are available but in reduced color schemes. The carriers are made of babywrap fabric. You can still find some unique colors in my shop!
The Limas carrier is designed for newborn up to 15kg. It is a halbuckle carrier. This means the waisbelt is for clicking and the shoulderstraps for tying.
The Limas Plus is a wrap conversion halfbuckle type carrier for after the newborn phase to 18kg.
The Limas Flex is something special though (in Japan). It is a fullbuckle carrier (the rucksack type) which transforms into a western-style onbuhimo. This means it can be used without waistbelt making it one of two western-style onbuhimo sold in Japan (as soon as all Fidella onbuhimo are sold out).
The Flex can be used from after the newborn phase until 20kg.
The Limas Baby comes around 19.000 Yen and the Plus and Flex around 20.000 Yen.
Boba Bliss
Boba just released a completely new carrier, based on their stretchy wrap.
It is called Boba Bliss. It is designed for newborn up to around 18 months (as long as you feel comfortable and your baby doesn’t exceed 16kg). It comes at price of 12.000 Yen.


And I started to sell two carriers of Hoppediz. They are already available for English speakers in my shop.
One is the Primeo, a fullbuckle carrier (rucksack type) that already works for very tiny babies. After a personal consultation it can even be used with early born babies.
The system of the Primeo is very unique. The fanned shoulderstraps enable the comfort of a woven wrap. It can be used from birth the whole first year until clothing size 86 which can fit even even at 18 months.
The second carrier is the Bondolino Plus. This is a halfbuckle type carrier – the shoulderstraps are for tying. In Germany, the Bondolino is known for “the last solution for crying babies”. When no other carrier works for a baby that cries in the carrier, the Bondolino usually works.
This carrier can be used from 3kg to 20kg.
The Primeo comea to a price of 21.000 Yen while the Bondolino, depending on the design, is 19.000 to 20.000 Yen.
Last but not least I want to mention Fidella. This brand is not new but my friend Kounotori Babywearing has a clearance sale if you are looking for a bargain.
Every purchase comes with the possibility for a free online carrier explanation and fitting. Just drop her a note if you need it.

There are some more minor brands with new products but I haven’t tried them and don’t want to recommend them without knowing them.
So let’s go over to the news in Germany.
Many of my colleagues tried the new carriers so I am very sure that they are good!

DidyKlick 4u
Didymos, the most famous baby wrap brand I believe, has a new fullbuckle carrier: the DidyFix.
While their DidySnap is fully adjustable, the Fix comes more puristic, which means it might not fit a newborn.
By the way, the DidyFix isn’t the only new carrier from Didymos this year.
In August the officially announced the DidyKlick Toddler size. And in spring they started to sell the DidyKlick4u and DidySnap4u. Slightly modified versions of the old models. They come with a curved waistbelt.
The German Didymos isn’t selling to Japan but you can ask the Japanese Didymos if you can purchase a product you have seen on the German site via them.
Cocoo•me, a company that is well known for their stretchy wraps and zip-in for jackets, announced the world-first stretchy halfbuckle carrier. I really wonder how that feels!
Also new this year and already in the shop is the Cocoo•me stretchy ringsling.
It can be tried via my consultation services, the sling library, or a sling meet. It can also be ordered via me from Austria. Where it is sold for 109 Euro.


And the last on my list is a completely new baby carrier brand! Leliba!
It was formed by former staff of Limas (when Limas was sold to Stokke they decided to make their own baby carriers)
You can see some similarities between their halfbuckle carrier and the Limas Plus, but it also has some very unique new features.
Their fullbuckle carrier, however, differs greatly from the Limas Flex. It has crossed and fannable shoulderstraps like the Hoppediz Primeo.
Both carriers come a little bit more pricey than the Limas but I think that’s totally fine!
Do you have any more questions? Which new carrier are you interested in?
Waiting for your comment😉