Behind the Prices
I like transparency and it is important to me to communicate why my prices are what they are.
So here is in detail what is included in my consultation fees:
So here is in detail what is included in my consultation fees:
- All the Email conversations with you take time. I don’t want to send short and non-personal mails, I like to take my time to answer you in detail and explain everything at my best.
- Before I am coming to your house, in case of an in-person consultation, I will collect all materials and try to fit them into one of my suitcases. The materials are the carriers and wraps of course, which I select carefully after hearing your wishes in the previous mails. In case you want to keep a carrier for further trying, I also put all the instruction manuals together. Of course, I have also flyers with general information which I will bring.
- In case you want rent one of my carriers after the consultation, I will print a blank rental agreement. When we decided on a time frame for the consultation in advance, I will also bring a receipt, however, it might change if we take longer. In that case I will change the receipt after the consultation.
- Sometimes it is necessary to remember a specific technique or look up a specific carrier. In this case I spend some extra time on research and training.
- When I am coming to your home, it often takes me one hour or more. For both ways it’s two hours I can’t efficiently use.
- After returning home I will sum up our consultation and will send an Email with additional information that came up. This can be pictures, a video explanation I am searching for you, or a detailed explanation in text form.
- Then I have to wash and dry the carriers (consider water, detergent, and electricity costs), and store them away again.